Oral Health for All - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Oral Health for All

Families USA leads the Oral Health for All Campaign, an intensive, multi-faceted, long-term campaign to expand access to the oral health coverage that we all need to stay healthy. Our primary goals are adding oral health coverage to Medicare, which currently excludes dental care, and improving states’ Medicaid adult oral health coverage.

Medicare and Medicaid are supposed to help us all stay healthy and protect us from medical debt, but they do not adequately address oral health — a critical component of overall health, financial stability, and general well-being. Like a key to open a locked door, comprehensive oral health coverage would allow millions of people in America to overcome many of the barriers they face to good oral health. Access to oral health care improves overall health and is a responsible investment that can reduce the costs of other health conditions.

Families USA is paving the way for the policy changes needed to achieve these goals through efforts to educate policymakers, align stakeholders, mobilize coalitions, engage state and grassroots advocates, and build public support for the need to expand oral health coverage.

Project Contact

We hope you will join us in this effort! To get involved or learn more, contact Nathan Keller at nkeller@familiesusa.org or Bailey Reavis at breavis@familiesusa.org