What Is People's Experience? - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

What Is People’s Experience?

Too often, the voice the people is an afterthought in local, state, and national efforts to reshape our health care system. Families USA is working to address this problem by researching and giving broad voice to the perspectives of everyday people, and exploring new ways that enable them to engage on health care issues.

Included in the People’s Experience is our annual Health Action Conference (HAC) an annual gathering that brings together policy experts, state and national leaders, health care advocates, and community members to discuss and craft transformational solutions for reshaping the future of health care. The conference is open to anyone passionate about health care advocacy, including policymakers, health care professionals, community organizers, researchers, lived experience storytellers, and anyone interested in advancing health equity and improving the health care system.

Our storytellers are a vital part of the people’s experience, and we share a conviction that the people — a patient, consumer, or advocate — should be at the forefront of our mission to achieve improved health and health care for all.

By bringing storytellers like you into the conversation, policymakers better understand who we are advocating for, and why these changes are so important. We know that through your stories, others can see their families, neighbors, friends, and themselves, which is why every story matters. Learn more about storytelling, and how to tell your story, by visiting our Story Bank.