The Trump Administration and Republican Leadership Are Using Deficits They Created to Attack Funding for Vulnerable Children and Families - Families Usa Skip to Main Content
05.08.2018 / Press Release

The Trump Administration and Republican Leadership Are Using Deficits They Created to Attack Funding for Vulnerable Children and Families

Washington, D.C. —Last night, the Trump Administration announced a new rescission package to reduce federal spending that included $7 billion in cuts to the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and $800 million in cuts to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). In the last 6 months the administration and Republican leadership have enacted legislation that increased annual budget deficits by more than $1 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Following is the statement of Frederick Isasi, executive director of Families USA:

“After enacting massive spending legislation that increased the deficit by over a trillion dollars, the White House and Republican leadership appear to have buyer’s remorse. But instead of addressing the direct cause of increased deficits –changes in the tax code to benefit the wealthy and hawkish military spending – their next effort cuts programs that assist the most vulnerable among us, low-income children, as well as funding to improve the quality of health care for our nation’s families. If Republicans want to burnish their image as fiscal conservatives, they should pick on someone their own size and leave kids’ health and the health of our families alone.”
