2022 Archives - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


How Illinois Can Make Health Insurance More Affordable

Increases in health care costs are negatively impacting individuals and small businesses in Illinois (and in other states) by making health insurance less affordable. This paper, developed by Famil...

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The No Surprises Act faces legal threats. Here’s why you should care

Nicki Pogue is a healthy person with good health insurance. She even ran a high-altitude race to celebrate her 50th birthday. When Nicki felt ill shortly after she did what any of us in her situation ...

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Consumers, Workers, Employers Back Administration to Keep Surprise Billing Protections Strong Amidst Threats

Nearly 60 organizations representing patients, consumers, workers, and employers came together to send this letter to the Biden Administration emphasizing the need to stand firmly with patients and co...

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Stakeholders Submit Letter to Congressional Leadership on End-of-Year Medicaid Priorities

Families USA, along with a diverse group of co-signers representing a broad coalition of national partners, submitted a letter addressed to congressional leadership that urges lawmakers to strengthen ...

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Data Shows Fewer People Facing Barriers to Care as Insurance Coverage Reaches Historic Highs — Congress Must Act to Protect Millions of Americans From Losing Coverage

Over the past three years, policy changes in Medicaid and expanded subsidies in the health insurance marketplace have led to dramatic expansions in health coverage and the lowest-ever uninsured rate. ...

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Do the Right Thing: Shifting Health Care Payment Systems to Value-Based Incentives to Achieve Health Equity and Promote Racial Justice

The following report details the potential of payment reform to transform our health care system into one that facilitates health equity and promotes racial justice by comprehensively providing disenf...

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The Promise of True Health Care Payment Reform: Working to Ensure our Health Care System Serves Families and Patients

Families USA hosted a webinar event on March 2, 2023, to highlight the underlying financial incentives that drive inequities in our health care system and how payment reform can work to ensure afforda...

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Survival Guide: Preparing for When Redeterminations Get Rough

With the start of Medicaid redeterminations just one month away, Families USA hosted a webinar event on March 1, 2023 with experts who offered a road map of what advocates can do when red flags, chall...

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Health Justice Now Webinar Series Part 9: Dismantling the Stigmas: Caring for survivors of domestic violence and addressing mental health in Latino/Latinx communities

This is part 9 of the Health Justice Now series. Families USA held a live discussion on integrated healthcare approaches with Jennifer Haddad Bell, the Program Consultant of Futures without Violenc...

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Congress Should Lower Insulin Costs by Addressing Pricing Abuses in Addition to Capping Co-Pays

Insulin is a critical life-saving and life-sustaining medication for millions of families, and yet the cost remains unaffordable for far too many because of unnecessary price gouging by drug manufactu...

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