It Works! The Affordable Care Act Helps Pennsylvanians with Pre-Existing Conditions
Millions across the country are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. However, opponents are ignoring its positive results and fighting its implementation. What they don’t want you to know is that the law is already working for Americans in every state.
Under our new health care law no one can be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. Until that provision goes into full effect in 2014, a Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) has been created in each state to provide coverage to people who would otherwise be denied due to a condition they have had or currently have. Without such a plan, insurance companies could deny coverage to an individual because they had asthma, diabetes, or even because they have survived cancer.
Many states have created their own PCIP programs, while the federal government is setting up programs in other states. While all programs share similarities, the program in Pennsylvania stands out for its low cost, high quality, and broad reach.
PA Fair Care, Pennsylvania’s PCIP program, has an individual monthly premium of $283.2, a very modest sum relative to PCIPs in other states. All coverage benefits are available to enrollees, including treatment of pre-existing conditions. As of August 2011, 3,926 Pennsylvanians were enrolled, and more continue to enroll every day. You can sign up online and get more information on the PA Fair Care website.
It is important to remember that Pennsylvania is only one state that is benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. In every state, Medicare beneficiaries have received prescription drug rebate checks, tax breaks have enabled small businesses to offer health coverage to their employees, and cancer survivors and others with pre-existing conditions can finally find affordable health care. You don’t have to look too closely at the Affordable Care Act to see what health care opponents don’t want you to: the beneficiaries are everywhere, the benefits are life-changing, and, yes, it really DOES work.