King v. Burwell Fallout: 6.4 Million at Risk of Losing Health Insurance
The Supreme Court ruling later this month in King v. Burwell could threaten the health coverage of millions of people. Our series of state-specific infographics shows that in each congressional district, there are thousands of consumers who are at risk of losing their health insurance. The map below shows the 34 states where 6.4 million Americans stand to lose the financial assistance that enables them to afford health coverage.
State Infographic Release Schedule
June 23: DE | IA | IL | IN | ME | MI | NH | NJ | OH | PA | WI
June 18: AK | AZ | KS | MT | ND | NE | OK | SD | TX | UT | WY
June 16: AL | AR | FL | GA | LA | MO | MS | NC | SC | TN | VA | WV
Download: National Infographic (PNG) | Methodology (PDF)
Why does the Supreme Court case threaten health coverage?
The Supreme Court case, King v. Burwell, challenges whether the federal government can offer financial help (premium tax credits) to consumers in states that did not set up their own health insurance marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act.
If the court rules that consumers in states where the federal government runs the marketplace are not allowed to receive this financial assistance, the consequences will be devastating for millions of people.
Without access to this financial assistance, many low- and moderate-income residents would not be able to afford health insurance.
The human impact of King v. Burwell at the congressional district level
To show the impact of a court decision that eliminates premium tax credits from federally run marketplaces, we have analyzed data showing the number of people who would lose access to their premium tax credits in every congressional district in the 34 states that did not establish their own marketplace.
To learn more about this case and some of the lives at risk, visit What’s at Stake in King v. Burwell.