Leveraging the Health Care System to Prevent and Mitigate ACEs and Advance Health Equity in Childhood - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Leveraging the Health Care System to Prevent and Mitigate ACEs and Advance Health Equity in Childhood


All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential, but children of color and other marginalized groups are impacted by deeply entrenched structural and systemic economic, racial, and ethnic inequities that increase exposure to adverse experiences and disproportionately affect their health. This webinar will discuss policies and strategies to leverage the health care system to address ACEs resulting from the combined effects of racial and other inequities and experiences of early adversity on health, so that all children, and their families, may thrive.

Featured Speakers

  • Shadi Houshyar, Director of Early Childhood and Welfare Initiaitves
  • Denisse Sanchez, Policy Analyst