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Medicaid Expansion States See Financial Savings and Health Care Jobs Growth

States that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act are seeing major budget savings, according to reports released in the past month. These budget savings coupled with new data linking Me...

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Medicaid Expansion Linked to Earlier Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes

New research suggests that the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act is linked to better diagnosis of one of America’s most lethal and costly diseases: diabetes. In a study published l...

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Kentucky’s Medicaid Expansion Yields Coverage and Access to Important Preventive Care

Two recent reports illustrate how residents of Kentucky are benefiting from Medicaid expansion. The state experienced one of the largest drops in its uninsured rate in the country and a substantial in...

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Biographies for Health Action 2019 Health Advocate of the Year Awards

Shirley Hirota Chief Executive Officer of Asian Health Services (AHS) For more than 40 years, Sherry M. Hirota has championed underserved communities and has made an impact fighting for health c...

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“Relying on Charity is not a Sustainable Solution”

Throughout our nation’s history, the strength of our country has been deeply rooted in the daily acts of service that so many people render to their communities and their loved ones. Yet for others,...

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“Trading Death for Pain and Financial Ruin”

In 2014, Catherine Horine developed a persistent cough that would not go away. Within three months of first seeking treatment for the cough, even though her doctors had been unable to find a cause for...

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Affordable Health Insurance Lightens This Bodybuilder’s Burdens

A weight is lifted for Sudan, a bodybuilder, thanks to the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace insurance. Sudan works as a personal trainer for members of the military and their families at an ...

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How to Counter Trump Administration Cuts to Marketplace Enrollment Funding

Yesterday, the Trump administration announced drastic funding cuts for outreach and enrollment. This deliberate effort to sabotage the health care law follows previous efforts to reduce marketpla...

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There’s no pain-free way to get beyond silver loading

This blog’s readers know that President Trump’s termination of federal cost-sharing-reduction (CSR) payments in late 2017 had unexpected effects. Intended as a deadly blow to the Affordable Care A...

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Trending: Why 2 Million Inconsistencies in ACA Applications are Not a Big Deal

    Recently media outlets have reported that the government is having trouble verifying the income information of as many as 2 million people enrolled in health coverage through the Aff...

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