By the Numbers: Medicaid Work Requirements are Still a Bad Idea - Families USA Skip to Main Content

By the Numbers: Medicaid Work Requirements are Still a Bad Idea

Amidst worsening public health and economic crises, the Supreme Court has agreed to review lawsuits challenging the legality of Medicaid work requirements. Although work requirements have previously been struck down in court on several occasions, some state policymakers still seem to think it’s a good idea to pursue them. These state policymakers are ignoring the substantial evidence showing that work requirements don’t boost employment, have resulted in coverage losses for families, and have increased state spending.

  • THOUSANDS of working people have lost coverage due to work requirements, and thousands more could lose coverage if other states follow suit.
  • States have wasted MILLIONS of dollars to implement work requirements that never went into effect.
  • Federal courts have already ruled work requirements illegal on FOUR occasions.
  •  ZERO states have implemented work requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.

State policymakers should heed this evidence and must terminate their Medicaid work requirements now!

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